국제일반학술지 2022.10 Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Microporous Hollow Carbon from Milkweed Pappus as Cathode Material of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries Nanomaterials
국제전문학술지(SCI급) 2022.10 Recent advances in non-precious Ni-based promising catalysts for water splitting application INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH
국제전문학술지(SCI급) 2022.10 Crystallinity-controlled SiOx anode material prepared through a salt-assisted magnesiothermic reduction for lithium-ion batteries INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH
국제전문학술지(SCI급) 2022.08 Recent advances in non-precious Ni-based promising catalysts for water splitting application INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH
국제전문학술지(SCI급) 2021.01 A cooperative biphasic MoOx-MoPx promoter enables a fast-charging lithium-ion battery NATURE COMMUNICATIONS